Regatta Schedule

This is what we refer to as an ‘Active Schedule’. That is we not only show the scheduled time of a race , but highlight which crews have begun marshalling and what races are in progress.

If you are standing at the side of the regatta course and want to know what race is going past the app will tell you.

With a subscription, you will be able to tag races, crews or even athletes and the app will automatically generate a custom schedule showing you just the races of interest and the current races in progress.  

 It’s even smart enough to let you know if two races are being run out of order. 

Lane Draw

The lane draw is updated automatically from Rowing Manager, so once the lanes are allocated for semi-finals and finals they will be available in the app.

For each crew we display the Alpha-numeric bow number that has been assigned, the crew name, the strokes name, and where a crew has a handicap this will also be shown. 


Race view

We track crews down to the start. When the first crew enters the marshalling zone we automatically update the race status to ‘Marshalling’. With our subscription service if you have tagged the race as being one you want to watch we will send you an alert so you wont miss any of the action.

Once the last crew is within the start zone we display the race as ‘Ready’.

In fairness to the race aligners, for non held starts, we hide race positions for the first 20 meters, after which we update the position, stroke rate, boat speed and margins every second.

As crews cross the finish line we display their margin in seconds. Again, if two crews are less that 2 meters apart we mark the result as ‘Too close to call’.

Live Statistics

Each boat icon displays the margin to the crew in front, the current stroke rate “SPM” and the boat speed in meters per second.

We also automatically measure split times every 500 meters to display in the results page.

Race Position

Race possition updated ever second



Margin in meters to the crew in front.

Stroke Rate

Current stroke rate in strokes per minute SPM

Boat Speed

Instantaneous boat speed in meters per second

Results View

The Regatta Solution Spectator app provides fast access to both preliminary results and when published the official results.

Turning the phone into ‘Landscape’ mode we provide a full breakdown of split times and margins.

If two crews are less that 2 meters apart the app will show the result as too close to call and you will need to wait for the official results to be published.

For subscribers the preliminary results are available as soon as a crew crosses the finish line. For non subscribers the results are available 60 seconds after the last crew crosses the line.